In each county there are limited jurisdiction courts that are presided over by a Justice of the Peace, who is elected to a four year term. Judge's hear a variety of cases in their jurisdictions these include civil lawsuits where the amount in dispute is $9,999 or less, landlord and tenant controversies, small claims cases and the full range of civil and criminal traffic offenses, including DUIs. Justices of the peace also resolve other types of misdemeanor allegations (i.e. shoplifting, writing bad checks, violating restraining orders) and, like other trial judges, also handle requests for orders of protection and injunctions against harassment.
Justice of the Peace, Tiffany Dyer
Monday - Friday: 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M
Closed Saturday- Sunday
Excluding Holidays
Petition for Expungement of Marijuana Violations. Here
Another way to make payments on your case with the FARE payment program.